Monday, December 14, 2015

So I haven't had the epiphany that most people have on either Vyvanse or Adderall (kind of funny with all the way the pharmaceutical companies tries to soften the nastiness of their drugs that the generic of  Adderall is "Amphetamine salts") and my psychiatrist agrees that its time to try something else.  So enter Ritalin.

Got my fingers crossed but not real optimistic.  I have realized that the more I am aware of why I do the things I do, the easier it is to modify the behavior through situational recognition.  Prevention IS really the best medicine.  I have a LOT of things that I would like to do better so I am conquering each one one at a time.  The easiest was forgetfulness.  Once I realized I needed reminders for such things as appointments and errands, it was easy to solve with my iPhone.  Alarms and Calendar keep me on course, although not always on time.  Time management and getting organized are slightly tougher.  The lure of doing things you want to when you want to easily gets me off the course I should be on.  Small breaks from tedious jobs are great.  But I have to set a timer, otherwise I just never restart what I was doing.  I have many more "issues" to resolve but I believe concentrating on one at a time is the best policy.  The great thing is that MANY people have conquered their "illness" and are willing to share how they did it and share all the tools they used.  Knowing other people have gotten through with and without meds gives me great optimism in the future.
